Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holidays Are Coming...

I’ve got that goosebumpy, butterflies-in-the-tummy, tingly, heart-racing feeling that comes with excitement that just creeps up at you from nowhere. The past month or so has been manic to say the least. An inbox full of work and numerous tight deadlines have lessened the usual month-long lead up of festive excitement to the big day itself. I simply haven’t had time to think much about Christmas, and unless you do it can easily pass you by in hot and dusty Karratha (hence the drive-by mentioned in yesterday’s blog). We haven’t done much Christmas shopping as there aren’t really the shops to do it in, there are no lights through the streets in the centre of town, and there haven’t been any festive plays or concerts.

However, the work is now done and we are preparing to fly off to Hong Kong tonight to spend Christmas with my family. And I have that feeling of soaring excitement, all jittery and hyperactive and manic. I was walking around in circles yesterday as I was too excited to stand still, at which point I made the discovery that it is incredibly hard to type when walking round in a constant loop – I don’t know how I managed to get any work done! So today will be spent packing, shutting down the house, putting masking tape on the windows in case a cyclone hits while we are away (you can’t be too careful during cyclone season here), and doing last-minute shopping. Hong Kong and Christmas, here we come!

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