Expat Wife is in Hong Kong. I am here for three weeks of Christmas fun with the family and the trip has got off to a good start... with just one slight hitch.
I landed a good 30 minutes ahead of schedule and therefore had my first glass of wine earlier than expected. A very good start indeed. A lovely dinner of The Father's mushroom and olive tagliatelle, followed by one of The Mother's homemade mince pies energised me for the main event of the evening - hanging the decorations on the recently delivered Christmas tree (from just down the road in a small place called the United States of America). It was the first time we have all dressed the tree together in, well, ever probably, so it was a lovely start to the festivities.
This morning was spent unpacking and doing a bit of food shopping, during which I bought a huge box of Shreddies, something I have not found in Pattaya! I have never been so happy to see that blue box! Hot Shreddies on a cold day... heaven! For it is indeed cold. Freezing in fact. I was never much good with the cold in England but after having spent a year in the Tropics, am now even worse at dealing with a bit of chilly weather. I wrapped up to go out and walked briskly to try and get the circulation going. It makes a change from purposely not walking too quickly in order to prevent excessive perspiration!
The Mother and I met The Brother for lunch at the KCC, the club they all belong to, and which I was once a member of too. A nice big bowl of wonton noodle soup both warmed the cockles and boosted my energy for an afternoon of that activity that rules all others in Hong Kong - shopping. If there was an Olympic event for shopping, Hong Kong would most certainly win. They're amazing, especially as many of them do it in heels. I didn't do too badly myself, managing about four hours. I can also feel pretty guilt-free about it as most of what I bought were Christmas presents!
So, all good so far. Until, that was, I decided to stop in at Starbucks on the way home. The barista obviously did not put the lid on my chai tea latte properly as, putting the cup to my lips I felt a splash of wetness down my front. Not so bad, so may think. Well, it wouldn't have been if I hadn't been wearing mum's tan coloured leather jacket. So far, she has kept surprisingly calm about it. We'll see how long that lasts if the stain doesn't come out. A trip to the dry cleaners will be made as soon as it opens tomorrow morning. My life is in their hands.
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