Thursday, March 24, 2011

Attack of the Lizards

We have a lizard problem. At first they were cute, unexpectedly popping their little heads up through the drain in the floor and the sink and scurrying out from underneath doors (although that did occasionally freak me out too – the little ones’ legs are so tiny that they look like snakes slithering across the floor when they move quickly). Now, they have multiplied and have started leaving little presents all over the house for us. And yes, when I say presents I do mean poo. It’s disgusting and they have started to do it everywhere.

Previously, bizarrely, they managed to confine their toilet habits to the bathroom (although unfortunately not in the actual toilet – they weren’t that well-trained) – it was still gross but at least it was just one room and the toilet was within close reach for me to chuck the tiny pellet poos after I’d picked them up with toilet paper. That has now changed as they have advanced to pooing anywhere the mood takes them, which so far has been on the bathroom, kitchen and living room floors and on the wall in the spare room.

I don’t think that it is coincidental that the increase in poo and widening of the areas in which they poo has occurred at the same time that they seem to have bred. Suddenly I am seeing several baby lizards darting around the house that definitely were not here before. And they really do get absolutely everywhere. I am pretty sure that it is only a matter of time before I open the microwave to find one jumping out at me.

It is definitely time for us to leave.

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