Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sweet Tooth

The Thais must have an incredibly sweet tooth as they seem to have the need to add sugar to everything. The ready-cut pineapple that I buy from Tesco each week is beautifully sweet and juicy and yet it comes packaged with a sachet of chili-sugar. If I added that sachet to the pineapple I think I'd be too wired to sleep for a week. That and I prefer my pineapple non-spicy! Thais are also probably the world's biggest consumer of condensed milk. They love it. It is added to most of their desserts and their tea and coffee is made with it. In fact, if you buy an iced tea from a market or mobile vendor, they will make a huge show of pouring the condensed milk in, something akin to Tom Cruise in the movie Cocktail. The vendors will also proudly display their tins of Carnation condensed milk - apparently Carnation is the Perrier Jouet of the condensed milk world. In my opinion, a little of that stuff goes a long way. Apparently the Thais don't agree.

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