Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snot and Shopping

I feel like my eyes are on fire and I can't stop rubbing them. My nose is running so much I barely have enough time to reach for another tissue after I've thrown the other one away. The bin beside me is full to the brim with tissues. I sneezed so loud at one point today that I actually made The Mother jump. I have come down with the mother of all colds and I am suffering. The combination of flying, the difference in temperature between here and Pattaya and the fact that The Brother only rid himself of a cold a couple of days ago has cruelly resulted in a very ill Expat Wife. Just in time for Christmas. The last time we were in Hong Kong for Christmas, The Husband had a fever of 104 degrees C so I suppose it was my turn.

Yesterday was a bit of a wipe-out because of the cold, though I did manage to meet up with The Brother for lunch and then The Mother to walk around the flower market, which was full of festive arrangements and smelt wonderfully Christmassy. This morning we did the disgustingly huge Christmas food shop. Well, The Mother did most of the actual shopping, I mainly I followed her around with the trolly, sneezing and coughing and whimpering slightly. It was no mean feat though - looking at the trolly one would have thought that we were preparing to feed the 5,000. That thing was heavy. When we at last reached the till, the tiny Chinese shop assistants watched the endless line of items in total shock. It's a good thing they didn't know it was to feed and water five adults over the course of just one day or they'd have had heart attacks!

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